Thursday 3 July 2014

The Good, The Bad and The Fake.

Robert Sharma said "Everyone can criticise, it takes a strong person to see the good in someone." I am in the critical group and I am not going to deny it. Trust me, and I will not deny it. It is all about honesty. I was once told that I have also become arrogant. That I can deny because I always consider myself to be very humble but clearly I cannot see the log in my eye.

I know for sure that I can clearly see the speck in another's eye. For most of the time I always listen. My mother always told me that I should listen more than I can speak and over the years I have learnt to do exactly that. Love and honour from my friends I have gained and loyalty to them, they have earned. So it was quite shocking to me and that is why only Eve will be my true and most trust worthy friend, in fact had she been a man and we had been married, ours would have been the best relationship.

Now after months and months of listening to my friends, I decided to do a research based on who, why, what. Who I told. Why I told and What I told. Now this is what happened. I told five of people I believed to be my good friends about my good news, I had great news that was very up building to me. Why I told it, honestly, I did think they were my friends and I could share my good news with. What I told them was that I had invested in something that would definitely improve my life significantly. 

I was left shocked because of what happened next and I remembered a wise man telling me, "always be in control of your reaction." None of my so called friends was happy for me. After I was done telling them the good news, all of them were left speechless and all did not congratulate me or even say anything about the news. Fine, I didn't want a standing ovation but *&%^* what was so hard about a simple word of congratulations? I was left with my mouth agape because , all the time y'all tell me good things about your life, I give you a standing ovation because I love you, I am proud of you and I think you deserve it. I am surprised you gave me back, none of that. 

I started replaying my conversations back with EACH ONE of them, the times we had shared just a bit of good things, like me getting extra credit at work, or the fact that I was going back to school, just small things that had no big impact on either one of our lives and guess what...BIG BANG THEORY....(this is so irrelevant, but its my Eureka moment and phrase.) I have very few people with whom I believe to be this good.

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