So much changes so much remains the same. I have just recalled my days growing up and I had this sister Peris, she was always very good to me. We competed in a lot of things especially when it came to our parents. It was always very tight and we would fight to see who would outshine the other. It was fun and sometimes I outdid her and sometimes she outdid me. As I have grown up, I have come to realise that so much changes and so much remains the same, you see as adults we also always compete. Without knowing i or without wishing for it, we always compete.
The other day I heard this song by one Kenyan artist Nyota Ndogo - Watu Na Viatu. Literal translation of her name is Small Star and the Song, People and Shoes. And in the song she goes on to say how she had a very good friend who would help her out all the time and she had never felt so blessed to have such a good, kind and understanding friend. However, when our small star got a job and was now able to take care of her self, the friend was not very happy and started being disgusted with this new move. This got me thinking about life now and in general how we react.
Everything that's really worthwhile in life come to us. I recalled how I used to react when I was younger. I would not fight back when someone attacks me instead I would simply walk away. Growing up, I rarely need see the need to fight or to show off. I am not above anyone but why fight and no good is going to come from it. In addition, why show off when its only for a moment. I always believe that if you work well, then do not blow your own trumpet, let other people see the good your hands have done. Be confident in what you do, but let others talk about it.
That is just me. My sister and I talk now and we look back and feel very silly about how we did everything then but we would not change a thing as that is what shaped us to be who we are now. It taught us to be humble and caring, thoughtful and loving. That is just us, we are neither boastful of our achievements and nor haughty about our accomplishments, we let the work speak for itself. What I see now going on with other people, I might be judgmental about it, maybe even envious of the person you are, maybe I am simply jealous, all in all, you are who you are and I am who I am at the end of the day, we both have made our own beds in which lie in. What about you? What do you think? That is how you know.
The other day I heard this song by one Kenyan artist Nyota Ndogo - Watu Na Viatu. Literal translation of her name is Small Star and the Song, People and Shoes. And in the song she goes on to say how she had a very good friend who would help her out all the time and she had never felt so blessed to have such a good, kind and understanding friend. However, when our small star got a job and was now able to take care of her self, the friend was not very happy and started being disgusted with this new move. This got me thinking about life now and in general how we react.

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