Tuesday, 15 January 2013


I sometimes feel sad at the thought of what I would have accomplished years ago if I had not made some certain choices. However,  years down the line, here I am. I am living one day at a time. I felt like I have reached my limit. Well, that was until I read from Wikipedia 

"A basic definition from a typical college textbook defines self-actualization according to Maslow simply as "the full realization of one's potential".[6]
A more explicit definition of self-actualization according to Maslow is "intrinsic growth of what is already in the organism, or more accurately of what is the organism itself...self-actualization is growth-motivated rather than deficiency-motivated."[7] This explanation emphasizes the fact that self-actualization cannot normally be reached until other lower order necessities of Maslow's hierarchy of needs are satisfied. While Goldstein defined self-actualization as a driving force, Maslow uses the term to describe personal growth that takes place once lower order needs have been met, one corollary being that, in his opinion, "self-actualization...rarely happens...certainly in less than 1% of the adult population."[8] The fact that "most of us function most of the time on a level lower than that of self-actualization" he called the psychopathology of normality.[9]"
Well, after reading this, it made evaluate myself and how I am lately. I realized that lately, I love myself more, I am happier around my friends and I have accepted my situation. I have become very intolerant towards dishonest people. People, who lie to me, no longer have my attention for more than five minutes.
I recently stopped trusting someone because of the empty promises he made and the empty words he gave, I realized that I want to be happy, I don't entertain such. 

I love my work more, I love the people I work with and can tolerate them and I feel satisfied with what I have accomplished so far. All I am doing now is doing a better job, working harder and smarter to achieve more. 

I have learnt to accept myself and my flaws and I get very amused when I find myself laughing at what I have done. It doesn't make me angry that I have made a mistake, it amuses me that after all the trouble, time and effort I put in my work I end up messing it at the last minute. This helps me learn from my mistakes, make me more focused and make me determined to be better. 

I am happier, I feel alive and it’s all me. My choices, my lessons and now my decisions. Think about it, be yourself; after all, you cannot please everyone. 

Loving myself now has no…

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