Friday, 25 January 2013

Do you...?

Managing people can be a very daunting task especially when you get someone who does not listen and is not inclined to listen to you. The learning process requires that you are humble and willing to learn. Most of the time we are given examples of children whose innocent questions are often very many. For instance a child would ask you why we eat or why we don't chew some food and we chew others or why people grow old and  despite the answers you give, there will be a why at the end of it all. the "why-s" will never cease. That is how humble the children are.

As adults we tend to develop an attitude maybe because of your position, your stature in life or your status and this leads to confrontations and, or, know-it-all attitudes.  Well, for instance we all know that we are not perfect. However, in the same sentence you have to admit that we know that we want the things we want, how we want them and when we want them. This is especially true when you can afford what you want and when it comes to someone else touching your possessions. Yes,

We all know when that happens. What we do about it. How we react when something like that happens. We however have not learnt from anything or any experience that we have undergone in the past and the reason being is that we always believe that we

We have forgotten to remove the spec in our own eye before jumping on our neighbour for the log in theirs. And we  always act so self righteous. We have to remember that humility is a virtue whether you own half the world and everything in it, whether you actually know everything, you will have one or two things to learn from the new guy. Take your time, know it slowly. Even if you know your job better than anyone else, there is that small chance that someone else knows it better than you do. 

Take your time, this world is just passing by. All the rush in the world will not allow you to do everything in a blink. 

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