Some shoes fit us perfectly like gloves, are comfortable, easy and flexible on our feet and they make us feel good and look smart. This is the time, I am sure you will be confident in yourself, because the shoes, look good and feel good. Do you like feeling good? I know I do.
As I was cleaning up and arranging my shoes this morning, it occurred to me that we (people) are just like shoes. We compliment each other in our lives. You might not suit me because you are too high or too colourful, you might have a bubbly, extrovert personality while I am an introvert. You will always know which shoes are bad for you and true to temptation you will buy them and have them in your closet. Bad shoes spoil good feet. Like other pairs of shoes, we can walk with you through your pain, your tears, the mud splats and we come out looking and feeling good.
Sometimes we have no choice but to wear the shoes because they are gifts and sometimes, we have a choice because of what is pleasant to our eyes. Sometimes, no matter how uncomfortable they are we bear the pain and most times, we wear them often because of how good and comfortable they make us feel. Think about it, think about your family and friends, do they compliment you? How do they make you feel? Are you happy? Do you have regrets? Do you have shoes you want to throw out? Do you have shoes you want to give away and forget?
There is a particular pair of shoes that you just love so much. You will wear them, even when they don't compliment your outfit. You will keep them, even when you know you should throw them out. You show them off even when you know you shouldn't. You lend them out even when you know you can't live without them. Shoes... they help you walk a mile, break your leg, make you smile make you cry and sometimes, when you are angry and want to throw them against the wall you remember just how much joy they give you, you wipe away the dust and give them a shine, put them away to be worn on another day.
Some shoes, no matter how beautiful, how lovely, how comfortable they are, the fact that they save you on a bad day and make you look amazing. When its time to let go, let go. You have been together for years, they are still new and gives you the attention you need. You rely on them to make you look amazing. No matter how depend on them you are and nothing can ever come in between you.
At the end of the day, shoes are just shoes. They will just take a while to say goodbye. It will be hard and it will come with a few tears, a few tubs of ice-cream, chocolates and wine. When you are finally done and you wake up and realise that they were just after all only shoes and you can actually do without them, you say good bye, move on and get another pair of awesome shoes, your treat!